
Po Delta Park Excursions
Four reasons why you must live the Delta experience

In summer the Delta is a synonym of seaside, with spacious beaches of the finest sand, kept in pe-fect order a calm sea, ideai for children. Far from the crowds, the beaches are isolated and wild, where terns and oystercatchers make their nests. Besides the dunes with the fi-agrance of Helichrysum, there ai-e lagoons with lilac hues f-om the blossoms of the elegant Limonium and vast plains of lush green rice fields.


Autumn in the Delta stands for the colours of the lagoons and fishing valleys, of the sandbanks and shoals turned red with salicornia. This is the season for when thousands of birds gather and prepare for their long journey, migating to warmei Isands.The first velvet fogs drift through the landscape, mufling ali sounds, while awaiting the return of the "migratory follcs ".


The Delta in winter is silence itsel( great hodzons embroidered by Frost, the velvet atmosphere and sleepy coumtryside welcome thousands or ducks. Cold IIghLs and limpid skies, It is the bird-waLching season, a time for birdwatchcrs equlpped with binoculsrs, hunting for unbelievable sights and unforgettable sensations.


In spring the Delta means colours, scents, the magie of nature’s awakening. Bushes are ti-ansfigured into pure white clouds, riverbanlcs trina green and fields take on the hues or coloured petals. This is the renewal of a life cycle -a sensori for love, coui-tship, squabbles, the building of the nests are a prelude to tlie fleclblings that vvill soon take to the sky..

I percorsi delle tue stagioni


Nere in the great plain going towards the Delta, legendart tales and extraordinary events are woven against the scenery of divo big riversi the Po and dre Adige, where historical tales rningle with mythology. Museums and samples of industrial archaeology preserve traces of the past, proof of ancient civilizations and the trasformations that the earth and water hace undergone with time, through the work of nature or man.


The mouih or the Po, are asness where the viver creates astonishinglindscapes, where the conlines or land, waler andsky merge into one, with evei changing colouis andmovemeiitsVast reed fields, wide lagoons of salty water aiidcoloured iverbaiifcs that welcome thousands of birds. Deserted strands, infinite spaces and expanded atmospheres that enclose and enchant those in search of uncontaminated nature..


The Botanical Gardens at Porto Caleri andtfie pinewood of Rosolina Mare, along wl* the oasis at Ca Risani and Ca’ Mello unravel a long aromatic path. Walking down it, one is stitici by the scents, the pungent aroma of the Mediterranean bush, of sea pines and Helichrysum blended together in the rejuvenatig sea air, so rich in lodieand saltiness,The blossoming of Septenaber flowers, of Limonitm, thei are orchids and fhe flapiing salicornia give a gente hue to these unique


A landscape created by the river and remodelled by man, land reclamation marks out the most concrete transformation of the Po Delta. To appruiate the efforts and genius needed to reclami this land, just visit the Regional Land Reclamation Museum at C'a Vendramin, a fundamental itinerari which narrates the beginnings, hostory and facts that created the modern Delta.


A path that crosses the Po Delta, passing through lagoons and fishing valleys unique environments where economy and nature slkiltully blend. The flight of thousands of` birds, the fne lacework of the small dylkes, and the sunset.., all convey unrepeatable ardi ever


On foot, by bicycle or by canoe, by boat or by bus, let yourself be guided by experts on the surroundings, discover nature and the people around you.

Just an hour away from the Delta

Chioggia was for centuries theVenetian port on the Adriatic Sea, and stili today maintains the fascination of its "calli" which fiercely guard priceless treasures of art and popular ancient traditions
Venice, known by navigators and merchants from ancient times, from the artistic viewpoint, is the result of the hannonious fusion of eastern and western shapes and elements, creating a style that is inique.
Verona and Garda Lake
Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet, is one of the most important walled cities, an immense artistic heritage acknowledged by UNESCO. Its blue jewel is the Lake of Garda surrounded by the luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation.
This was the o-adle of the Palae or Venetian civilization, due to its geographic location and the countless canals. A city of priceless value from the historical, cultural and religious points of view.
Pomposa, Ravenna and Ferrara
The Abbey of Pomposa, a splendid example of monasticism in Italy; Ravenna, the ancient capital of the Byzantine Empire adorned with its mosaics; and Ferrara, an importait city of the Renaissance.Three jewels rich in art, history and culture.
A city of great splendor, the ancient granary of the Serenissima, crossed by the clear karst waters of the Sile, embellished with monuments, palaces, balconies, villas and churches which can be admired in its graceful historical centre and its surroundings.